Birds through the Seasons
Central Park Birds through the Seasons At Belvedere Castle (Mid-Park at 79th Street) Saturday, April 181:00 pm 3:00 pm FREE! ALL AGES!Rain or shine. Central Park, situated on the Atlantic flyway, is internationally acknowledged as one of the best places to observe migratory birds in spring and fall. In April and May, as songbirds travel north to nest, many will stop to rest and feed in the Ramble and North Woods of Central Park. Of these, the small and colorful wood warblers, in brilliant breeding plumage, are the most sought after by birders. Over the years, more than 240 species of birds have been recorded visiting the Park. No advance registration. Space is limited; please arrive promptly to reserve your seat. For more information, please call 212-772-0210. This program is part of the On A Wing series. On a Wing, co-presented by the Urban Park Rangers and the Central Park Conservancy, celebrates the intriguing lives of our winged friends who call Central Park home through special lectures and family events at Belvedere Castle. View the complete schedule of events at