World Park - Arbor Day Weekend 2010
If you have a web-enabled smartphone, all you have to do is show up for a completely new, technologically-enhanced Central Park experience. World Park, with the goal of using mobile interactivity to raise awareness and increase park engagement, is bringing Arbor Day Weekend to Central Park on Friday, April 30th and Saturday, May 1st.
Participants will meet at 10am at the southeastern corner park entrance at 59th Street and Grand Army Plaza. At this point, everyone receives their own map and then a self-guided tour of the park begins.
Through Central Park's vast acreage, World Park will have location-based games set up called Parkodes; they can be accessed with a mobile device through a scan. Each will reveal a question related to the specific locality and the answers provide players with fascinating facts and information about Central Park's famous walks, stories, movies, archeology, history and more.
Plus competitive folks can even play World Park as a game and compete against their friends and family in science, pop culture, art and history categories. Each map comes with a scorecard so at the end of the day, add up the points and declare a winner!
Visit the World Park NYC website before the event to make sure that your phone meets the requirements to participate.