Achilles Hope and Possibility Run
The New York Road Runners are hosting a 5-mile run through Central Park on Sunday, June 27, 2010 to unite athletes with disabilities with their able-bodied counterparts. The day-of registration for the run begins at 7 AM and the race starts at 8:30 AM. From 9 - 10 AM the Kids' Races will occur. Once all the running is completed, guests are invited to the post-race party with music fun and disability awareness activities. The award ceremony and raffle begin about at 11AM. $6,000 in prize money will be awarded to the top male and female finishers in the following categories: open, visually impaired, above-knee amputatee, below-knee amputee, ambulatory disabled, pushrim, and handcrank wheelchair. At press time, the course of the race and the starting point have yet to be announced. To register and to get the latest updates on location, visit