Barefoot Shakespeare's UNREHEARSED A Midsummer Night's Dream

Barefoot Shakespeare
Barefoot Shakespeare
This fun and interactive presentation of Shakespeare UNREHEARSED will have you laughing and hoping for the worse.
Sometimes referred to as "Shakespeare for Sports Fans" (why?), the UNREHEARSED series is a great display of improv and line flubbing. Cast members are given just 30 days to learn their lines by heart. At NO TIME are they permitted to rehearse with each other or coordinate performances.
Audiences will be delighted to see referees standing by, ready to call "foul" and flag actors for missed cues, flubbed lines, and ad-libbing. Audience members can also get in on the action by placing bets on who they think will make the most mistakes and tipping their favorite cast members to encourage them on towards the finish line!
A two-hour extravaganza of live theatre mixed with the hilarious hijinks of hoping actors will mess up!
Performances: Saturday Aug 26 & Sept 2 from 4pm to 6pm
Location: Summit Rock (see link below for map)
Tickets: FREE