Gizmodo.Com reported that New Yorkers have been complaining for years about the super tall building that are being built along the edge of Central Park, and the shadows that they cast over the park. The annual eVolo Skyscraper Competition which consistently delivers some of the wackiest concepts for tall buildings they have ever seenas suggested a new solution: lower the elevation of the park.
The new, lower Central Park would be 100 feet below street level, just enough to remove New Yorkers from the urban experience. The perimeter would be surrounded by mirrored glass that would vaguely remind park-users that they were in the city, but mostly just reflect the terrain around them.
Besides adding legitimate hills, rock climbing areas, and swimmable lakes, the design also calls for the same basic types of hiking and jogging trails you have in Central Park today. Of course, all that dirt currently in the park will have to go somewhere—so the designers propose using it to add mini-mountains to underdeveloped plots all over Manhattan.
What do you think of this proposal? To read the article in its entierty along with seeing their renderings, click here.