Jul 24, 2022
2022 marks the 20th year for the NYC Triathlon, which took place this past Sunday, July 24th.
This year, due to excessive heat, organizers announced some changes on the Friday before concerning each portion of the event.
The running distance was reduced from 6.2 miles to 2.5 miles. The biking distance was reduced from 25 miles to 12 miles. The swimming distance stayed the same (at .93 miles), however wet suits were banned due to the water temperature in the Hudson reaching 80 degrees.
This is an event which has suffered some blows in the last couple of years. In 2019 the race was canceled due to excessive heat, in 2020 it was canceled due to the pandemic, and last year, the swim portion was abandoned because of concerns about bacteria in the water.
The event has always been held yearly in mid-July when major streets can be closed and to take advantage of favorable tides in the Hudson. However, organizers will now be reviewing alternative dates for the future to reduce the risk of heat-related health problems.
Even up against excessive heat, however, 1,600 people still came out to participate in the triathlon, from 40 states and 30 countries, ranging in age from 14 to 81.
Danilo Pimentel of Brazil was the top male finisher with a time of 1:02:10, ahead of Andy Krueger of Oregon by 14 seconds. Amy Cymerman, a New York native, was the top female finisher, with a time of 1:08:33.
Read more details and see photos here.