Piano players on the streets of NYC.
Funded and organized by the non-profit group, Sing for Hope, music has hit the streets of New York City with the "Play Me, I'm Yours" public art project.
From June 21st through July 5th, 2010, 60 pianos will be scattered throughout the parks and public spaces of New York City. From 9 AM to 10 PM the seat at the piano is open for anyone who wishes to play and share their music with the public audience.
Out of the 60 pianos, four of them have found their way to Central Park. The Dana Discovery Center, the Bandshell, Merchants Gate and the Metropolitan Museum of Art will all host a piano for the next two weeks.
At the conclusion of the program each piano will be donated to local schools and community groups.
For further information on the program and for other listings on piano locations throughout the city, visit singforhope.org.