A beautiful quiet spot for a pick-up game of softball or organized teams in the south end of the park.
The Heckscher Ballfields consist of six softball fields located at 63rd Street in Central Park. The Carousel, Heckscher Playground, and the Migrant Kitchen cafe are all nearby. This quiet area surrounded by trees also boasts views of the midtown skyline.
The Ballfields were named after August Heckscher, who became Park Commissioner in 1967 and held this position for six years.
A permit is required to play, and the cost of using these fields is $8 per session. For those supervising leagues of children 17 and under, admission is free.
Official league play is by permit only. Pick-up games may be played at our fields if the time is not held by a permit holder. Parks reserves the right to request that the players provide proof of approved ballfield or court use.